Royal Household of the Sovereign HM Queen Elizabeth II “Sealed Records” - HRH THE DUKE OF WINDSOR "THE GODFATHER" - GERALD DUKE OF SUTHERLAND - SIR WINSTON S. CHURCHILL "THE GODFATHER" - Church of Scotland Most Famous Identity Theft Exposé


The Carroll Foundation Trust and parallel Gerald 6th Duke of Sutherland Trust multi-billion dollar corporate identity theft offshore tax fraud bribery case has revealed that the explosive FBI Scotland Yard “cross-border” criminal “standard of proof” prosecution files have named yet another UK Law Society firm in this case of international importance.

Sources have confirmed that the Leathes Prior law firm based in Norwich Norfolk has been named in the dossiers surrounding legal advice to the Gerald J. H. Carroll “life tenant” worldwide interests. Further sources have said that the Scotland Yard compelling forensic evidential paper trail embraces serious criminal offences which were conducted by the Zolfo Cooper former partner Neil Cooper a High Court “appointed trustee” with complete legal responsibility for the case. It is understood that Neil Cooper conducted a criminal administrative regime of the Gerald J. H. Carroll Trusts “life tenant” worldwide interests spanning a bizarre eight to ten years.

Further sources have said that Neil Cooper and the Dechert law firm insolvency partner Paul J. Fleming continue to face major allegations of conspiracy to defraud and bribery on an industrial scale which are “centered around” a complete fraudulent handover of the Gerald J. H. Carroll files to the UK Insolvency Service who are also implicated in this City of London bank fraud case spanning the globe.

In a stunning twist it has emerged that the dossiers contain the fraudulent incorporation of HSBC 4–8 Victoria Street Westminster London accounts Barclays International Bahamas Cayman Islands offshore accounts and Queen’s bankers Coutts & Co Gerald J. H. Carroll banking arrangements which provided a diversionary corporate smokescreen for the Withersworldwide law firm embezzlement of a mind boggling two hundred and fifty million dollars of the Carroll Foundation Trust huge treasury investment holdings.

The Carroll Foundation Trust files are held within a complete lockdown at the FBI Washington DC field office and the Metropolitan Police Scotland Yard London under the supervision of the Commissioner Cressida Dick QPM who is known to have an intimate knowledge of this case spanning the globe.


The Carroll Foundation Trust and parallel Gerald 6th Duke of Sutherland Trust multi-billion dollar corporate identity theft offshore tax fraud bribery case has disclosed that yet another UK Law Society firm has been named in the explosive criminal “standard of proof” prosecution files which are currently “held in custody” at Scotland Yard.

Sources have confirmed that the City of London law firm Penningtons Manches premises were penetrated by the FBI Scotland Yard “targeted” Withersworldwide and Goodman Derrick law firms trans-national crime syndicate which removed Gerald 6th Duke of Sutherland Trust and Carroll Foundation Trust settlement deeds archival records in what was a bungled attempt to destroy a forensic paper trail leading back to this massive City of London bank fraud heist.

Further sources have said that the “Penningtons Manches blue file” dossiers contain compelling evidential material which surrounds the fraudulent incorporation of a Withersworldwide shadow “criminal parallel trust” that effectively embezzled a mind boggling two hundred and fifty million dollars of Gerald J. H. Carroll’s huge treasury investment holdings which were held the Queen’s bankers Coutts & Co and Barclays International.

In a stunning twist it has emerged that the former HM Government Business Secretary Sir Vince Cable concealed a voluminous bundle of compelling criminal evidential material in his capacity as the Minister responsible for UK Companies House and the UK Insolvency Service. It is also been disclosed that Sir Vince and his lawyers Goodman Derrick “conspired” with two High Court Judges in a bungled attempt to liquidate the Carroll Foundation Trust and the underlying Carroll Global Corporation Trust conglomerate structures which continue to be retained “on register” at Companies House.

The disturbing insights into the Gerald J. H. Carroll Trusts debacle which involves yet another law firm follows on from British and American media reports on the case which have revealed that major parts of the Gerald 6th Duke of Sutherland Trust Gerald J. H. Carroll “life tenant” records were destroyed at the Pinney Talfourd law firm premises Brentwood Essex.

Scotland Yard leaked sources have said that the Haslers accountancy firm with offices in Loughton Essex and Nassau Bahamas are known to be one of the pivotal “central actors” in this case spanning the globe.


The Carroll Foundation Trust and parallel Gerald 6th Duke of Sutherland Trust multi-billion dollar corporate identity theft offshore tax fraud bribery case which is encircling the disgraced Queen’s bankers Coutts & Co former Chairman Lord David Douglas-Home has disclosed that the royal family legal advisers Farrer & Co are understood to be “closely monitoring” this case of international importance.

Sources have revealed that the explosive FBI Scotland Yard “cross-border” criminal “standard of proof” prosecution files contain forged and falsified Coutts & Co Gerald Carroll accounts which effectively impulsed this massive City of London bank fraud heist.

Further sources have confirmed that the dossiers contain a forensic evidential paper trail which surrounds the fraudulent incorporation of a Withersworldwide law firm shadow “criminal parallel trust” which was utilised for the embezzlement of a mind boggling two hundred and fifty million dollars of Gerald J. H. Carroll’s treasury investment holdings that were held at Coutts & Co and Barclays International.

In a stunning twist it has emerged that Lord Douglas-Home is also seriously implicated in the ransacking a complete theft of the entire contents of Gerald J. H. Carroll’s multi-million dollar Eaton Square Belgravia penthouse and Westminster residences in central London spanning a bizarre parallel six to eight years.

Scotland Yard “leaked” sources have said that Lord Douglas-Home until quite recently was Chairman of the Hugh 7th Duke of Westminster Grosvenor Group freeholders of the Belgravia London estate and the files “held in custody” contain forensic specimen exhibits of the Boodle Hatfield law firm fraudulent leases which “triggered” the seizure of the residences.

The Carroll Foundation Trust files are held within a complete lockdown at the FBI Washington DC field office and the Metropolitan Police Scotland Yard London under the supervision of the Commissioner Cressida Dick QPM who is known to have an intimate knowledge of this case spanning the globe.


The Carroll Foundation Trust and parallel Gerald 6th Duke of Sutherland Trust multi-billion dollar corporate identity theft offshore tax fraud bribery case which is encircling the Attorney General Geoffrey Cox QC has revealed that the HM Government use of the Official Secrets Act and a startling array of DSMA-Notice news media blackout protocols is thought to be the spectacular end game in this case of international importance.

Sources have remarked that a bewildering array of HSBC Holdings Plc former chairmen respectively Sir William Purves Sir John Bond Lord Stephen Green and Sir Douglas Flint are “central actors” in the Scotland Yard obstruction offences which concern the arrest and prosecution of the HSBC Bank Group “in concert” with the Withersworldwide and Goodman Derrick law firms trans-national crime syndicate that effectively executed this City of London bank fraud heist.

It has emerged that the explosive FBI Scotland Yard cross-border criminal “standard of proof” prosecution files contain twenty eight forged and falsified UK Companies House and State of Delaware “registered” Carroll Trust Corporations which are “directly linked” to the fraudulent incorporation of HSBC 4–8 Victoria Street Westminster London accounts Lloyds Bank Butler Place Westminster London accounts Barclays International Bahamas Cayman Islands offshore accounts and HSBC International Gibraltar Jersey offshore accounts.

The Carroll Foundation Trust files are held within a complete lockdown at the FBI Washington DC field office and the Metropolitan Police Scotland Yard London under the supervision of the Commissioner Cressida Dick QPM who has an intimate knowledge of this case which stretches the globe.

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